Education in Egypt was controlled by the Ulama and the Clergy before the nineteenth century.  Most of the institutes were teaching theology.  However, there were Churches and mosques in the villages that were teaching basic education to young boys.  They learnt Arabic, memorized teaching of Quran and Bible and learnt to do simple arithmetic.  The first girls school was established around 1873.  During the British rule, Egypt set up the first secular university along with a number of private schools.

Over the passage of time, the education system in Egypt has undergone change. In the 1950s was the main objective to improve education in Egypt. Gradually, started many educational institutions in the country, which was run and administered by various ministries. Students had to complete primary education cycle to get registered for training. Training provided vocational training to secondary and higher levels.

Issues such as agriculture and trade began to be taught as part of pf technical training curricula. Student grants and this led to an increased number of students in institutions. Egypt universities also provides opportunities for students who completed their degree in secondary and technical institutions to receive tests without included regular classes in institutions. As a result of the step of the training course referred to in Egypt plenty of skilled labour in the country.
Al Azhar system
Another system, collaborating with the public education system is known as Al Azhar. Consists of six years of primary stage of a three-year preparatory phase or subphase end of three years. The Ministry of education has reduced the number of years of secondary education from four to three years in 1998, in order to bring Al Azhar system with the system of general secondary education. In this system, there are separate schools for girls and boys. Al Azhar education system is under the supervision of the Board of Governors of the Foundation Al Azhar. Azhar institution itself is nominally independent of the Ministry of education, but in the end, it is under the supervision of the Egyptian prime minister Al Azhar schools are named "Institutes" and include primary, preparatory and secondary stages.
 all schools in all phases teach religious subjects and non-religious subjects, to a certain extent, not as public schools. The largest part of the curriculum, however, religious issues, as described below. All students are Muslim, and males and females are separated at all stages. Al Azhar schools across the country, especially in rural areas. Graduates of Al Azhar schools are eligible to continue their studies only at Al Azhar University. As of 2007 and 2008, there are 8272 Al Azhar schools in Egypt. In the early 2000s, Al Azhar schools accounted for less than 4% of the total record.candidates of the system and then automatically be accepted in the Al Azhar University. In 2007, the entry of Al-Azhar institutes pre-university students should also is approximately 1, 906, 290 students.

The List of Universities 
  • Assiut University
  • Banha University
  • Beni-Suef University
  • Cairo Universitet
  • Cairo Universitet
  • Egypten-Japan University of science and technology (E-SINGLE)
  • University af El Tor
  • Alexandria University
  • Kafrelsheikh University
  • Mansoura University
  • Military Technical College (S MTC)
  • Minufiya University
  • Nationale civile luftfart uddannelse organisation
  • Port Said University
  • Sadat Academy for forvaltning Sciences
  • South Valley University
  • Suez kanalen University
  • University af Tanta
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